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Yuan Chen

About Me

I’m a multidisciplinary artist born in Fuzhou, China. I migrated to the United States in 1999, settling in the Bay Area. I attended undergraduate school at UC Berkeley, graduating from UC Davis with an MFA degree. Coming from an immigrant background into a different culture has enriched my creativity by equipping me with a wider range of perspective, and expanded my reality and imagination to include possibilities above and beyond common nomenclatures and ideologies. I recognize that art exists inherently within all environment and situations.

About My Work

My artwork reflects what is accessible in the present moment, embracing a desire to realize the tangible beauty which lies beyond the momentary and impermanent. I seek to enrich and enlarge the perception of reality. When immersed in the process, I merge with the piece, creating a fluid boundary between the artist and art. As I work with my chosen elements, I focus on adding color and materials in a way that illustrates plasticity. During the process, the unique character of the artwork reveals itself, allowing the piece to evolve and take on a momentum of its own.

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So Be It
A True Story
Have Posted
When Time Bends
When Time Bends
Fictional Memories
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Wed-Sunday noon to 4 except holidays

© 2018 by  Marin Society of Artists

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