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Francesca Saveri

About Me

I am a San Francisco native living in the hills of Berkeley, California. I received my BFA from UC Berkeley and MA in Education from Hayward State. As a former Oakland Public School teacher of 17 years I treasure the AHA moments and the circuitous routes of learning. Current hobbies include training and riding two horses, long dog walks and music. I offer Encaustic Workshops in the Spring and Summer when the days are warmer and longer.

About My Work

I know color can be a powerful solution to what ails the human spirit. If my paintings can inspire or contribute to the life of another, then I have succeeded. Whether my work is color based or a more contrasting, forceful mark making piece, I paint to express my core beliefs in living a Brightlife. Elements of alignment, expansion, risk taking and a love for the evolving connection from the Universe to me and ultimately to the viewer shape my work.

 Scroll down to see my work

Ascent of Icarus
Little Italy
Bay of All Saints
Hello Sunshine
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Wed-Sunday noon to 4 except holidays

© 2018 by  Marin Society of Artists

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