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Deborah Patrick

About Me

As a young student, I studied pastels and portraiture under Guy Bernardo. After 25 yrs. of doing renderings of Victorian homes all over San Francisco, I returned to painting my favorite subjects, people and animals. More recently, I studied oils with Behrouz Mirdadian. Professional affiliations: Pastel Society of America, Pastel Society of the West Coast (Signature Status) and Golden Gate Marin Artist branch of the National League of American Pen Women.

About My Work

I alternate between using oils or pastels, depending on the subject, the lighting and the mood I wish to convey. Sometimes I will create a study in pastels and then do a full-scale oil of the same subject. Website: Email:

 Scroll down to see my work

Four on the Floor
Creature Comforts
Blue Notes
Blue Notes
Study in Blues
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Wed-Sunday noon to 4 except holidays

© 2018 by  Marin Society of Artists

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